How to Write the Education Section on a CV & # 8211

Here are our top CV writing tips for the education section.

When it comes to the section on knowledge and skills, focus on what truly matters. To ensure this section stands out effectively, it’s essential to get the formatting right and include all relevant information.

Look at this movie:

There’s no need to mention GCSEs or O levels if you have A-levels.

Arrange your education section in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. This is crucial for your resume.

Ensure the following information is included:

  • Dates of attainment or attendance at respective institutions.
  • Detailed descriptions of your credentials, such as a BSc(Hons) in evolutionary science.
  • Mention any relevant results achieved, if applicable.
  • The names of the institutions (universities/colleges) you attended.

Here’s an example of how to structure the education section of your resume:

Education and Credentials:

  • University of Southampton: BA(Hons) in Marketing and Advertising (2011)
  • A-levels in Biology, Spanish, and English (2008)

You can also add a section for “Further Training” if you have undergone any additional informal education or training. For skills, list them separately, including software proficiency (e.g., Microsoft Office, Excel, Photoshop) and language abilities (e.g., Standard Chinese, proficient in Spanish).

Remember, you only have about 30 seconds to impress a hiring manager, so if you’re unsure how to do it, consider using an online resume writing service.