Obtain employment using Twitter

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In its early days, Twitter was misunderstood by many, who saw it as a platform for sharing mundane details of daily life. However, as people started using Twitter actively and grasped its true potential, they realized its power in advancing their careers. Twitter now plays a significant role in presenting a clear and comprehensive image to potential employers, allowing users to express their passions, engage in meaningful discussions within their field of interest, and stay updated with industry happenings. Leveraging Twitter can help establish a specialized network and explore new job opportunities.

This section focuses on valuable insights for maximizing the benefits of Twitter:

  1. Building Trust on Twitter
  2. Establishing a Strong Professional Network
  3. Discovering Job Opportunities through Twitter

Twitter enhances employability and job search for various reasons. By utilizing the platform, one can establish credibility and actively contribute to industry discussions. It facilitates networking with recruiters and fosters strong connections. Additionally, Twitter opens up possibilities for career growth and taps into the hidden job market, where approximately 80% of positions are not openly advertised.

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While Twitter does not guarantee instant success, dedicating time and effort to the platform significantly contributes to personal and professional growth.

To make effective use of Twitter, conduct a thorough inspection by following these steps:

  1. Establish a Consistent Brand: Use your genuine first and last names or something close to maintain brand consistency and improve search engine visibility.
  2. Optimize Your Profile: Craft an informative profile with relevant keywords and a personalized brand statement that showcases your uniqueness, objectives, and sense of humor.
  3. Customize Background Image: Use a relevant background image that provides insights about you and resonates with your target audience.
  4. Follow the Right People: Build a strong network by following industry experts and utilizing tools like Twellow.com to find relevant profiles.
  5. Engage in Conversations: Use Twitter search to find and respond to inquiries, adding value to discussions and positioning yourself as an industry expert.
  6. Retweet Meaningful Content: Share valuable posts from others using the RT code to show appreciation and increase the message’s reach.
  7. Be Active and Engaging: Use the @ function to ask questions, respond to comments, seek feedback, and participate actively in conversations related to your brand or interests.

Twitter presents a valuable opportunity to connect with your target audience, whether they are users, potential employers, clients, or business partners. To leverage its potential, avoid posting irrelevant or trivial content and instead focus on advancing your career, building credibility, establishing trust, and enhancing your online reputation through meaningful interactions. Embrace Twitter as a tool to engage with the right people and foster meaningful connections that can lead to personal and professional advancement.

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Here are a dozen fundamental Twitter tips to enhance your experience:

  1. Engage with Others: Use @ replies to mention others’ accounts and initiate conversations. For example, tweet “I love your hair, @RichardBranson,” and Richard will receive your message.
  2. Retweeting: Share others’ tweets by retweeting (RT). You can copy and paste the tweet with “RT @username” or use the built-in Retweet button. It helps spread the message to your followers, and it’s polite to thank someone if they retweet your tweet.
  3. Utilize Hashtags: Hashtags are crucial in Twitter. Use them to search for specific topics or highlight themes in your tweets. For example, during an event, participants may use a hashtag to stay updated.
  4. Maximize Characters: Even with Twitter’s 140-character limit, you can convey powerful messages. Be concise and use URL shorteners to save space.
  5. Direct Messages: To send a direct message (DM) to one of your followers, they must be following you back. Otherwise, you won’t be able to DM them.
  6. Follow Accounts of Interest: Follow accounts that interest you to receive updates on topics you care about.
  7. Be Mindful of Timing: The timing of your tweets matters. Consider your target audience’s time zone and peak activity hours.
  8. Engage with Visual Content: Incorporate images, videos, and gifs in your tweets to make them more engaging and shareable.
  9. Use Lists: Create lists to organize your followers and stay updated on specific groups or interests.
  10. Acknowledge Mentions: Respond to mentions and replies promptly to maintain active engagement.
  11. Avoid Overuse of Hashtags: While hashtags are valuable, avoid using too many in a single tweet, as it may make your message less clear.
  12. Monitor Analytics: Pay attention to Twitter analytics to understand the performance of your tweets and audience engagement.

By implementing these Twitter fundamentals, you can enhance your presence, engage with others effectively, and make the most out of this social media platform.


Enhance Your Twitter Credibility

In today’s highly competitive job market, standing out and demonstrating initiative and leadership are essential to catch employers’ attention. Twitter offers a valuable platform to showcase your unique strengths and qualities to a wide audience, as it can be picked up by search engines and linked from your LinkedIn page.

To effectively leverage Twitter for career advancement, follow these steps to set up your account:

  1. Create Your Twitter Account: Opt for a username that resembles your real name, and if unavailable, consider using dashes or underscores. You can also add a professional touch by including relevant terms like “Marketing” or “PR.”
  2. Choose a Professional Profile Picture: Use a specialized image, preferably the same as your LinkedIn profile picture, and avoid group photos. A professional headshot is ideal.
  3. Craft a Polished Profile: With 160 characters, introduce yourself professionally to the Twitter community. Utilize industry-specific keywords that highlight your skills and interests, making it easier for potential employers to find you. Include a link to your blog, website, or LinkedIn account if available.
  4. Customize Your Background: Make use of the background on your Twitter profile to provide additional insights into your personality and contact information. Create a unique background with a brief bio and relevant contact details. If design isn’t your forte, you can hire a professional or explore online resources offering free customization options.

By setting up your Twitter account thoughtfully, you’ll make a strong impression and attract potential employers or valuable connections within your desired industry. Additionally, consider using resources like Twitrbackgrounds.com for custom designs or Twitbacks for template designs to enhance your profile’s appeal.

Build Your Community: Step Two

Before we dive into Step Two, it’s important to emphasize that Step One is a crucial foundation that cannot be skipped. Trying to gain followers without first establishing trust and engagement will result in minimal success. Unless you are already well-known or famous in your field, completing Step One is essential.

Twitter is a powerful platform for connecting with new people beyond your existing circle. To effectively expand your network, consider the following actions:

  1. Identify Industry Conversations: Find individuals actively engaged in discussions related to your field. Initiate interactions and engage with their content to build connections.
  2. Utilize Monitoring Tools: Employ tools or platforms to monitor specific keywords and topics related to your industry. These tools can help you find relevant conversations and engage with like-minded individuals.

Tweetdeck.com, Tweetstats, and other similar tools can be helpful for this purpose.

By taking these steps, you can successfully grow your Twitter community and establish meaningful connections with people relevant to your industry or interests. Remember that genuine engagement and interaction are key to building a valuable network on Twitter.

Step 2: Expand Your Network

Attend Local Marketing and Business Events: In-person meetings offer unparalleled networking opportunities. Utilize platforms like Meetup.com to find relevant events where you can meet new people and expand your connections.

Prioritize Quality over Quantity: Curate your Twitter news feed with high-quality content. Focus on following individuals and accounts that provide valuable information and insights. Avoid following a large number of people solely to increase your follower count.

Include Your Twitter URL Everywhere: Ensure your Twitter profile is connected with other platforms. Add your Twitter account link to your Facebook, LinkedIn, and resume to enhance your online presence and visibility.

Next Step: Find Job Opportunities on Twitter

After completing Steps One and Two, you should have a strong profile and a growing following. You are clear about your professional goals and have started establishing local connections.

To find job opportunities on Twitter, consider the following methods:

Revisit Your Job Wish List: Follow the Twitter accounts of companies you wish to work for and engage with their hiring managers through @ replies to establish connections.

Use Keywords for Job Search: Incorporate relevant keywords in your tweets to indicate your job search. Utilize hashtags like #London, #AvailableToWork, #Marketing, and experiment with various combinations to optimize your job search visibility.

Network and Seek Recommendations: Reach out to your connections on Twitter and inquire about potential job opportunities in your field. If you have a good relationship with someone, ask them if they know of any suitable positions.

Check Job Sites’ Twitter Feeds: Some job websites have dedicated Twitter accounts where they post job openings. Follow these accounts to stay updated on new opportunities.

Congratulations on building your Twitter community, and best of luck in your job search!


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