Create a LinkedIn page that is professionally written.

Understanding the numerous opportunities to connect with managers on LinkedIn is crucial.

Having a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is essential to not miss out on new job opportunities, as headhunters spend 8 hours daily searching for potential candidates on the platform.

For those in the UK, we recommend The CV Centre or Top CV to write your LinkedIn profile. If you are outside the UK (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or elsewhere), we suggest The Resume Center or Top Resume.

In addition to a well-written profile, consider these LinkedIn tips:

  1. Seek and Provide Recommendations

Having at least two recommendations on your profile is important. If you give recommendations to others, they are likely to reciprocate. Don’t hesitate to ask former colleagues or coworkers for a written recommendation.

  1. Use a Professional Photo

Using vacation or casual photos on your profile won’t suffice. It’s best to have a professionally taken picture. If you have a friend who is a photographer or studying photography, ask them for a photo shoot.

  1. Include a Call to Action

Make it easy for hiring managers to contact you. Leave your contact information or email address on your page and be clear about what type of opportunities you are seeking.

Best of luck! We hope you land the job you desire!